Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The Loneley Road

We were seated at breakfast one morning, my wife and I. There was little conversation to fill the stale air. She had made a nice breakfast, as I was going out on the road. Being in sales keeps me on the road and away from home, you would think that would provide some excitement into my life, but sadly, it doesn't. I nibbled on a piece of dry, burnt toast. Said my quick good byes and headed out on the road.

I guess most would describe me as a normal guy. Wife. No kids. I have a good job, a house, things are good, normal, predictable, good. Twice a month I take my beat up car out on the road to another anonymous town, with the same drab hotel rooms and the same pathetic continental breakfasts.

After a day of meeting with faceless clients, I find my self in the local greasy spoon. Too depressed or too pathetic to seat down and eat a decent mean, I order a sandwich and fries to go. As I wait for my food, I shyly glance around the diner. In the far off corner I spot a beautiful young girl. Blonde hair. Tank top. She catches my eye and I quickly look away. Slowly I would glance back, catching her out of the corner of my eye. My mind must be playing tricks on me. She winks. Runs her hand through her hair. A sexy band tattooed around her wrist. I look away. The waitress drops of my food. I reach for my wallet and hand her my credit card. She quickly returns with the receipt to sign. I blindly sign as I look back toward the girl in the corner. She places a finger to her lip. Bite her upper lip. Is she coming on to me? Damn, I am so pathetic.

I pick up order and return to my hotel room. Its dark. Quiet. Lonely. Any cheap hotel room, in any city, in any state. I sit at the small table in my room and pick at my dinner. I can't get my mind of that girl in the diner. I can't eat so I decide to take a quick shower.

The shower felt good, I was relaxed. Time to watch some tv and call it a night. Glancing toward the door, a small scrap of paper seems oddly out of place. I bend down, pick it up and read. "Sorry I missed you. Call me. 555-3992." I wasn't expecting anyone. Must have got the wrong room. I crumple the note and toss it into the waste can.

I flop down on the bed, flip through the channels and try to think about anything but the girl from the dinner. I look down at the note in the can, pick it up, unfold it, crumple it again and toss it back into the waste can. I continue flipping through the channels. Pick up the paper again. Toy with the idea of calling. A show of TV steals my attention. A beautiful blonde, rolling on a sandy beach. I pick up the phone and call.

"Hello. I knew you would call." Click.

Shit. Could it be the girl from the diner? Had she followed me back to my room? My heart races and million thoughts flood my brain. I am quickly snapped back into reality by a brisk knock at the door. Nervously, I make my way to the door and unlock it. The door swings open. She grabs me and kisses. Leads me to the bed, removes her shirt, throws me on the bed.

Somewhere between a foggy consciousness and sleep a flash bulb lights up the inside of my eye lids. I sleep.

The next morning comes early. Groggy. I wonder what is real and what is a dream. Quickly I know, nothing was a dream. On the chair next to the bed, a bright colored bra, a provocative Polaroid and a note.

"You were wonderful last night. Call me. We will do this again real soon. XOXO"

Wracked with quilt and fear. I quickly gather my belongs and head for the front desk.

The clerk at the desk hands me my bill and I reach for my wallet. Thats strange, not in my back pocket, I must have packed it in my bag in my rush to get out. I pull my luggage apart. No wallet. Panicked, I place a call to my wife. Explain that I can't find my wallet. She provides the clerk with a credit card number. I finish my transaction and leave.

On the drive home my my races. What have I done? Who was that girl? What does she mean, lets do this again? DO WHAT?

I cautiously enter my home. My wife, seated on the couch, watching some soap opera, dreaming of how life would be with one of those sexy soap guys, barely notices as I walk in. I say something. She asks about the trip, my wallet. I really don't want to talk and avoid her questions.

I want to sleep but as I make my way to the bedroom the phone rings. I panic. Run to get there first. Hello? "Hey baby, you didn't call me back, I miss you."

Hey, yeah, I thought the meeting went well too.

"Well good, maybe we can 'meet' again tonight."

No, I can't 'meet', I can't do that anymore.

"What's your problem. You owe me $500 then. I don't just give out freebees."

I panic and slam the phone down. My wife sits on the couch, somewhat confused.

"Did your sales meetings good bad dear?"

No, everything was fine, I retreat to the bathroom. Splash cold water on my face. What have I done. I'll just ignore it, it will all go away.

The next morning I drive to my office and find comfort in my cold, dark office. Quickly the events of the past few days come flooding back. The receptionist unexpectantly shows up at my office bearing a manilla envelope.

"Some lady drop this off for you. Said it was important."

I quickly tear into the envelope. Out slides my missing credit card. She knows where I am. She knows where I work. She has my wallet. She is just toying with me now. I toss the envelope in the trash, failing to notice the name of the diner neatly printed on back.

My mind a panic. I leave work early and return home.

My bags half unpacked from the night before, I see the girls colorful bra poking out and her note slightly hidden under the bed. She knows. I've been caught. I have no where to turn. Where do I go?

I go back into the garage. Start the car. Lean my head back against my seat and think, its all over. I've lost everything.

In a small diner, in any town, in any state. The wife and the girl sit across from each other in the back. The wife passes the girl a manilla envelope and smiles.


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