Thursday, April 29, 2004

So there is this guy.....

Lonley guy, but has things going for him. Nice house, nice car, good job, friends. But he doesn't see any of these. Other people live great lives. He over hears stories of dates, clubs, fancy evenings, while he sits home on friday night, watching tv, eating a cold dinner. So he collects, pictures, letters, shopping lists and lives his life through other people, he fantisizes about the shopping list he found what a great dinner party they are having. About the love later, the passionate evening they must be having. etc. It drives him deeper into his self made depression and sorrow, because everyones lives are exciting and he sits home "alone". He finds these things and cares for them, places them in a book, fantisizes but nothing further. One day he finds a shopping list, imagines the dinner party, the good looking guests. He looks at the shopping list a sees an address. He goes to the house, knocks on the door. Person answers door, he looks inside, the house is "sad" a single tv tray is setup in front of the tv, person offers a sad smile. He walks away, walks down the street and smiles. He "found" that what was there all along, he wasn't missing anything, he was just over looking it.


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