Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Very quck and dirty, just to get us started. Be kind.

I thought dying would be more painful, I feel relaxed and numb, slowly drifting off to sleep.

I’m a regular kind of guy, clean cut, happy and normal. I’m, not the kind of person you would expect to find on the fringe of society, sloppy appearance and face down in a pool of his own blood.

Two weeks ago, I led the perfect life. Great job, nice car, friends. Life was good. My email inbox had a surprise waiting for me that day. Mixed in with the hoard of spam and occasional chain email from some guy I haven’t talked to in ten years was the subject ‘Can’t wait to see you Again!’. It just seemed out of place, I didn’t recognize the sender and it felt easier to open than snail mail that gets delivered once a month to my mailbox.


Only 5 dayz. Its been like way too long since we have talked.
My boss has been an asshole and work sux but I don’t care,
CUZ u will be here in 5 dayz. Love ya bunchies!


Wow, something different from my everyday, normal, boring life but I can’t do anything. This wasn’t meant for me, it was meant for someone else, D, whoever he is. Some lucky guy I’m sure, who lives an exciting life, sex-as-hell girlfriend, wild parties.


Just a few things to finish up b4 I leave. Can’t wait. Maybe you
Can be wearing something sexy when I get there.

I can’t do it, but I feel so excited, so dirty. I look around. Silence. Send. What a rush.

The day goes by uneventful but always in the back of my mind, I’m thinking about that email. I wonder if she knows I’m not D? I wonder if she has responded. I quickly become consumed in thought. The mundane gets over looked, I forget to shave, I forget to eat, I forget about the errands I’m supposed to run. I stay within arms reach of the computer. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.

The sounds blaring from the television swirl around my head and I slip off into a dream like fantasy. I’m D. I open the door K’s apartment. She did as I said and she is sexy. A loud sound shakes me from my fantasy. Refresh. New Mail.

My heart begins to pound so hard, the sounds of the world become muffled. My finger tips tingle. With a shaky hand, I click the mouse.


You are crazy. I have something special. I’m so cited
And I just can’t hide it.


The feeling of excitement quickly dripped away. What was I doing? Of course I would be found out. When D gets back and finds and they talk about their “email”. Shit. What have I got myself into?


Yeah, b4 you get to excited, lets just drop it. Pretend we haven’t
Talked since I’ve been gone. K?


What was that? Calm. Ok, just let it go. I’ll ignore it and it will go away. Its fine. No one has been hurt. It was all in fun away. I’m sure she will understand. Walking into my bedroom I catch a glance of my reflection in an outside window. Shocked, I quickly run to the bathroom to examine myself in the mirror. I look terrible. What am I becoming?

I forget to eat again. Can’t get her out of my mind. Just one more time and then I’ll quit.

Ok. Who the hell are you? You think this is some kind
Of game. A cheap way for you to get off? Sick little


It’s fine. It’s all online. It’s all anonymous. I’ll ignore it and it will go away.

5 am. I don’t think I’ve slept all night. I drag myself from bed and force some food down my throat. I don’t think I’ve eaten in over a day. No use in combing my hair, brushing my teeth. I just need to get out of this house.

The world outside looks foreign. I climb into my car and drive to the store. Anything to clear my mind. At the stop light I glance over a see a blank face staring back at me. I’ve never seen him before. Empty. Void. It’s nothing.

The same car appears in the parking lot. Just a coincidence. I see the face inside the store. Where the hell am I? Is this a dream. Everything seems so dark. Out of place. Everywhere I look I see him. Is he D? Did K have a little talk with him about the “pervert”.

What have I become? I’m delirious. Its nothing. They have no idea who I am. Where I live.

I’m shaken from my mental melt down by the ring of my cell phone. Hello? “D? Is that you?” Ahhh, no you must have the wrong number.

They found me. What is this? I jump back in my car and drive back home. On they way I drive by the gun store, I stare for a long time but decide better to just drive home. Unbeknownst to be the face was standing outside the gun, hiding in the shadows.

I barely let the car stop before I run for the door of my house. Shutting it behind me. Lock. Dead Bolt. I breathe. That won’t stop this guy. My eyes scan the house. I move the couch in front of the door. I take my position beneath the front window. I crawl from the trench and peek outside. The face stares back at me. I find whatever I can to block the windows. I’m panicking.

My head is spinning, the room is spinning. What is real? Is this real? Am I real?

I run to the computer. I need to write to K. Tell her everything. Apologize. That will be it.



Dead. Funny, I thought dying would be more painful.


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