Friday, April 30, 2004

bennion3: it's this idea
bennion3: we are all killing each other
bennion3: not on purpose
bennion3: but something someone does...
bennion3: delays or saves an individual..but in the process kills his family
bennion3: he blames it on the photo or note that distracts him
bennion3: for just a moment
chet: wow
bennion3: looks for the owner
bennion3: and ends up killing them
bennion3: maybe
bennion3: hmmm...
bennion3: but it's this idea
bennion3: that we do things
bennion3: delay things
bennion3: make a decision that sets off something else
bennion3: split second decisions
bennion3: you know?
chet: yeah, what was the movie that just came out like that?
bennion3: hmm...
bennion3: i dont' know
bennion3: changing lanes?
chet: yeah
bennion3: so my idea was this guy gets a flat tire...
bennion3: family in the car
bennion3: as he puts the tire on
bennion3: he sees a reflection in the weeds or something
bennion3: something catches his attention
bennion3: he finishes up
bennion3: heads down to look at the found object
bennion3: and in the second
bennion3: a drunk driver smacks the car
bennion3: killing his family
bennion3: he doesn't blame the driver as much as the person who dropped the tiem
bennion3: item
bennion3: that caught his attention
bennion3: a note or a photo
bennion3: had he not gone for it...
bennion3: he might have moved the car by then
chet: i think you might be on to something
bennion3: anyway...
bennion3: the idea is that he becomes obsessed with either finding the person who dropped the item
bennion3: or obessed with not doing anything
bennion3: ever
bennion3: in fear
bennion3: that he might kill someones family
bennion3: or something
bennion3: still thinking about it...
bennion3: i mean
bennion3: what saves us everyday
bennion3: from avoiding death
bennion3: or illness
bennion3: or whatever
bennion3: these threads of life
bennion3: so fragile
bennion3: i think of kriste's nephew who lost his wife and son
bennion3: anyway...

Thursday, April 29, 2004

So there is this guy.....

Lonley guy, but has things going for him. Nice house, nice car, good job, friends. But he doesn't see any of these. Other people live great lives. He over hears stories of dates, clubs, fancy evenings, while he sits home on friday night, watching tv, eating a cold dinner. So he collects, pictures, letters, shopping lists and lives his life through other people, he fantisizes about the shopping list he found what a great dinner party they are having. About the love later, the passionate evening they must be having. etc. It drives him deeper into his self made depression and sorrow, because everyones lives are exciting and he sits home "alone". He finds these things and cares for them, places them in a book, fantisizes but nothing further. One day he finds a shopping list, imagines the dinner party, the good looking guests. He looks at the shopping list a sees an address. He goes to the house, knocks on the door. Person answers door, he looks inside, the house is "sad" a single tv tray is setup in front of the tv, person offers a sad smile. He walks away, walks down the street and smiles. He "found" that what was there all along, he wasn't missing anything, he was just over looking it.

all my life, i've been searching for something...

another friday awaits its ending, and the weekend comes upon me. i hear of all the things people are going to do over the weekend with their friends, i hear of the dates couples are going on, i hear of everything. except the "i'm just staying home." i only hear that from myself. even when i'm finally old enough to drive a car -- it'll all be the same.

i'm lonely, but it's probably just wanting what i can't have, wanting what i won't get, and hoping that it'll come some day, whether or not that day is tomorrow, or 20 years from now. the future is bleak.

line of thought... found a note... everything changed

bennion3: 'found' would be a great name for the film too
chet: it would
chet: never even thought about a name
bennion3: it has potential...
bennion3: found something
bennion3: found new life
bennion3: found death
bennion3: found love
chet: i like it
chet: hmmmmm
chet: tv movie?
bennion3: the loser in his shell... found
bennion3: the businessman with no excitement... found
bennion3: the empty lover... found
bennion3: the religious fool... found
bennion3: blah blah blah
chet: separate story lines the come together in the end?
bennion3: magnolia?
bennion3: hmm...
bennion3: different
bennion3: individual shorts
bennion3: paths cross in the films but never connect
chet: interesting
bennion3: like he meets the girl at juice and java...
bennion3: but no connection
bennion3: she shows up the next volumn...
bennion3: or short
bennion3: and you remember her
bennion3: hmmm...
bennion3: want me to go on????
bennion3: lol
chet: i like it
bennion3: subtle connections with each character
bennion3: maybe one does work out...
bennion3: 2 connect in the end...
bennion3: the unexpected
bennion3: this is all really vague...
bennion3: but has potential i think
chet: it does, post it
chet: lets brain storm it
bennion3: of course someone could die

my idea is if we are doing a short... this 'found' idea might work better... just a thought or 2 here.

Brainstorm @ the BS

We had a good brainstorm session at BS today. Jack introduced a new idea around a guy who actively seeks out notes, pictures, things people leave behind, drop, forget. He finds a note that seems random which lead him down a road of events, again that seem random, to some end.

The Found Website

Also, thanks to Jack for dropping off the steady cam, I'll play with it tonight.

I don't want to lose any of the good momentum we have built up this week, so lets continue to refine our story line. I'm excited to see where this leads us.

Hack Your Way to Hollywood

thanks for the logo feedback. revisions posted soon.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The Loneley Road

We were seated at breakfast one morning, my wife and I. There was little conversation to fill the stale air. She had made a nice breakfast, as I was going out on the road. Being in sales keeps me on the road and away from home, you would think that would provide some excitement into my life, but sadly, it doesn't. I nibbled on a piece of dry, burnt toast. Said my quick good byes and headed out on the road.

I guess most would describe me as a normal guy. Wife. No kids. I have a good job, a house, things are good, normal, predictable, good. Twice a month I take my beat up car out on the road to another anonymous town, with the same drab hotel rooms and the same pathetic continental breakfasts.

After a day of meeting with faceless clients, I find my self in the local greasy spoon. Too depressed or too pathetic to seat down and eat a decent mean, I order a sandwich and fries to go. As I wait for my food, I shyly glance around the diner. In the far off corner I spot a beautiful young girl. Blonde hair. Tank top. She catches my eye and I quickly look away. Slowly I would glance back, catching her out of the corner of my eye. My mind must be playing tricks on me. She winks. Runs her hand through her hair. A sexy band tattooed around her wrist. I look away. The waitress drops of my food. I reach for my wallet and hand her my credit card. She quickly returns with the receipt to sign. I blindly sign as I look back toward the girl in the corner. She places a finger to her lip. Bite her upper lip. Is she coming on to me? Damn, I am so pathetic.

I pick up order and return to my hotel room. Its dark. Quiet. Lonely. Any cheap hotel room, in any city, in any state. I sit at the small table in my room and pick at my dinner. I can't get my mind of that girl in the diner. I can't eat so I decide to take a quick shower.

The shower felt good, I was relaxed. Time to watch some tv and call it a night. Glancing toward the door, a small scrap of paper seems oddly out of place. I bend down, pick it up and read. "Sorry I missed you. Call me. 555-3992." I wasn't expecting anyone. Must have got the wrong room. I crumple the note and toss it into the waste can.

I flop down on the bed, flip through the channels and try to think about anything but the girl from the dinner. I look down at the note in the can, pick it up, unfold it, crumple it again and toss it back into the waste can. I continue flipping through the channels. Pick up the paper again. Toy with the idea of calling. A show of TV steals my attention. A beautiful blonde, rolling on a sandy beach. I pick up the phone and call.

"Hello. I knew you would call." Click.

Shit. Could it be the girl from the diner? Had she followed me back to my room? My heart races and million thoughts flood my brain. I am quickly snapped back into reality by a brisk knock at the door. Nervously, I make my way to the door and unlock it. The door swings open. She grabs me and kisses. Leads me to the bed, removes her shirt, throws me on the bed.

Somewhere between a foggy consciousness and sleep a flash bulb lights up the inside of my eye lids. I sleep.

The next morning comes early. Groggy. I wonder what is real and what is a dream. Quickly I know, nothing was a dream. On the chair next to the bed, a bright colored bra, a provocative Polaroid and a note.

"You were wonderful last night. Call me. We will do this again real soon. XOXO"

Wracked with quilt and fear. I quickly gather my belongs and head for the front desk.

The clerk at the desk hands me my bill and I reach for my wallet. Thats strange, not in my back pocket, I must have packed it in my bag in my rush to get out. I pull my luggage apart. No wallet. Panicked, I place a call to my wife. Explain that I can't find my wallet. She provides the clerk with a credit card number. I finish my transaction and leave.

On the drive home my my races. What have I done? Who was that girl? What does she mean, lets do this again? DO WHAT?

I cautiously enter my home. My wife, seated on the couch, watching some soap opera, dreaming of how life would be with one of those sexy soap guys, barely notices as I walk in. I say something. She asks about the trip, my wallet. I really don't want to talk and avoid her questions.

I want to sleep but as I make my way to the bedroom the phone rings. I panic. Run to get there first. Hello? "Hey baby, you didn't call me back, I miss you."

Hey, yeah, I thought the meeting went well too.

"Well good, maybe we can 'meet' again tonight."

No, I can't 'meet', I can't do that anymore.

"What's your problem. You owe me $500 then. I don't just give out freebees."

I panic and slam the phone down. My wife sits on the couch, somewhat confused.

"Did your sales meetings good bad dear?"

No, everything was fine, I retreat to the bathroom. Splash cold water on my face. What have I done. I'll just ignore it, it will all go away.

The next morning I drive to my office and find comfort in my cold, dark office. Quickly the events of the past few days come flooding back. The receptionist unexpectantly shows up at my office bearing a manilla envelope.

"Some lady drop this off for you. Said it was important."

I quickly tear into the envelope. Out slides my missing credit card. She knows where I am. She knows where I work. She has my wallet. She is just toying with me now. I toss the envelope in the trash, failing to notice the name of the diner neatly printed on back.

My mind a panic. I leave work early and return home.

My bags half unpacked from the night before, I see the girls colorful bra poking out and her note slightly hidden under the bed. She knows. I've been caught. I have no where to turn. Where do I go?

I go back into the garage. Start the car. Lean my head back against my seat and think, its all over. I've lost everything.

In a small diner, in any town, in any state. The wife and the girl sit across from each other in the back. The wife passes the girl a manilla envelope and smiles.

Great Feedback


* Middle aged sales guy, married, no kids, large car, home life is "boring", no spark left
* goes out on the road
* seen leaving the house, little interaction with his wife
* orders dinner to go at a local diner
* see pretty girl at the opposite end, eating alone
* he thinks she is flirting with him, she has some distinctive mark (tattoo, ring, etc)
* pays for dinner, leaves, forgets credit card
* back at hotel room, picks at food, deceides to take a shower
* while in shower, knock at door, he doesn't hear, note under the door
* out of shower, he sees note
* note something about seeing him, call number
* thinks about it tosses notes
* watches tv
* gets note from garbage
* plays with phone, wathces tv, sees a sexually suggestive show on tv
* picks up phone, calls
* "I'm glad you glad, i'll be right there"
* hang up
* knock at door
* she enters, kiss at door
* she leads him to bed, kiss, pushes him down on bed
* she removes her shirt and lays down on him -- fade to black
* 2 flash pops
* morning, he awakes, find bra, note and a poloroid
* he feels guility
* calls number, says he can't meet anymore, she deamands payment
* he panics and hangs up
* checks out; can't find wallet
* call wife to pay for room
* wife upset
* home, wife asks about missing walet, unanswered phone call from night before
* work, envelope is dropped of from "some girl", inside is his credit card
* he thinks its from the girl, she must have his wallet, she is playing some game, he panics
* home, wife finds bra in bag, wife gets poloroid in mail
* confrontation
* he in garage with car running, hose in window, dead
* hand passes envelope to girl, pan back to wife giving the envelope
* guy in car falls forward, head on horn, shows bullet hole in back of head.

Monday, April 26, 2004

I'm really liking 'Glow'. Simple Elegance. It would look damn good silk screened on a t-shirt too. Did you draw the heater? Cause i'm thinking that also gives us an iconic existance as well, depending on the media you would have the words, logo or both. I don't know, just thinking out loud here. Any other thoughts out there?

Sunday, April 25, 2004

glow logo

:: glow ::


:: no-glow ::

white logo

:: on white ::

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

:: space sketches *see above ::

ok..really rough. but just some ideas so chet will get of my back! ;-)

Friday, April 16, 2004

Steady Cam Project
Special thanks to Jack and the bro Park for their help with the steady cam project. We purchased all the supplies necessary, a little extra cost for a vice and a nice drill bit, but we did save on the weight, I found one in my basement. When it is complete we will post pictures and perhaps some sample video.

/Wheels are in motion

TMR Logo Submission

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Rolodex Girl

my greatest source of inspiration... call your local cable provider today!

Monday, April 12, 2004

To marry a woman you don't love...
guess it's time for an upgrade

Sunday, April 11, 2004

the price is right:
$14 Steady-Cam

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Very quck and dirty, just to get us started. Be kind.

I thought dying would be more painful, I feel relaxed and numb, slowly drifting off to sleep.

I’m a regular kind of guy, clean cut, happy and normal. I’m, not the kind of person you would expect to find on the fringe of society, sloppy appearance and face down in a pool of his own blood.

Two weeks ago, I led the perfect life. Great job, nice car, friends. Life was good. My email inbox had a surprise waiting for me that day. Mixed in with the hoard of spam and occasional chain email from some guy I haven’t talked to in ten years was the subject ‘Can’t wait to see you Again!’. It just seemed out of place, I didn’t recognize the sender and it felt easier to open than snail mail that gets delivered once a month to my mailbox.


Only 5 dayz. Its been like way too long since we have talked.
My boss has been an asshole and work sux but I don’t care,
CUZ u will be here in 5 dayz. Love ya bunchies!


Wow, something different from my everyday, normal, boring life but I can’t do anything. This wasn’t meant for me, it was meant for someone else, D, whoever he is. Some lucky guy I’m sure, who lives an exciting life, sex-as-hell girlfriend, wild parties.


Just a few things to finish up b4 I leave. Can’t wait. Maybe you
Can be wearing something sexy when I get there.

I can’t do it, but I feel so excited, so dirty. I look around. Silence. Send. What a rush.

The day goes by uneventful but always in the back of my mind, I’m thinking about that email. I wonder if she knows I’m not D? I wonder if she has responded. I quickly become consumed in thought. The mundane gets over looked, I forget to shave, I forget to eat, I forget about the errands I’m supposed to run. I stay within arms reach of the computer. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.

The sounds blaring from the television swirl around my head and I slip off into a dream like fantasy. I’m D. I open the door K’s apartment. She did as I said and she is sexy. A loud sound shakes me from my fantasy. Refresh. New Mail.

My heart begins to pound so hard, the sounds of the world become muffled. My finger tips tingle. With a shaky hand, I click the mouse.


You are crazy. I have something special. I’m so cited
And I just can’t hide it.


The feeling of excitement quickly dripped away. What was I doing? Of course I would be found out. When D gets back and finds and they talk about their “email”. Shit. What have I got myself into?


Yeah, b4 you get to excited, lets just drop it. Pretend we haven’t
Talked since I’ve been gone. K?


What was that? Calm. Ok, just let it go. I’ll ignore it and it will go away. Its fine. No one has been hurt. It was all in fun away. I’m sure she will understand. Walking into my bedroom I catch a glance of my reflection in an outside window. Shocked, I quickly run to the bathroom to examine myself in the mirror. I look terrible. What am I becoming?

I forget to eat again. Can’t get her out of my mind. Just one more time and then I’ll quit.

Ok. Who the hell are you? You think this is some kind
Of game. A cheap way for you to get off? Sick little


It’s fine. It’s all online. It’s all anonymous. I’ll ignore it and it will go away.

5 am. I don’t think I’ve slept all night. I drag myself from bed and force some food down my throat. I don’t think I’ve eaten in over a day. No use in combing my hair, brushing my teeth. I just need to get out of this house.

The world outside looks foreign. I climb into my car and drive to the store. Anything to clear my mind. At the stop light I glance over a see a blank face staring back at me. I’ve never seen him before. Empty. Void. It’s nothing.

The same car appears in the parking lot. Just a coincidence. I see the face inside the store. Where the hell am I? Is this a dream. Everything seems so dark. Out of place. Everywhere I look I see him. Is he D? Did K have a little talk with him about the “pervert”.

What have I become? I’m delirious. Its nothing. They have no idea who I am. Where I live.

I’m shaken from my mental melt down by the ring of my cell phone. Hello? “D? Is that you?” Ahhh, no you must have the wrong number.

They found me. What is this? I jump back in my car and drive back home. On they way I drive by the gun store, I stare for a long time but decide better to just drive home. Unbeknownst to be the face was standing outside the gun, hiding in the shadows.

I barely let the car stop before I run for the door of my house. Shutting it behind me. Lock. Dead Bolt. I breathe. That won’t stop this guy. My eyes scan the house. I move the couch in front of the door. I take my position beneath the front window. I crawl from the trench and peek outside. The face stares back at me. I find whatever I can to block the windows. I’m panicking.

My head is spinning, the room is spinning. What is real? Is this real? Am I real?

I run to the computer. I need to write to K. Tell her everything. Apologize. That will be it.



Dead. Funny, I thought dying would be more painful.

ideas in my head

--> clean cut guy, happy, care free, well kept
--> guy receives email, email meant for someone else
--> thinks about responding, for fun, excites him a little
--> feels a little dirty, devious, responds (as if he was the receiver)
--> several emails are exchanged
--> takes on an alter ego, becomes this other person
--> goes too far, person finds out he is a fake, senders relationship with receiver has been ruined over this.
--> guys world becomes hazy
--> starts seeing “person” everywhere, work, home, stores, etc.
--> guy starts to deteriorate, begins drinking, grooming habits fail, looks bad
--> paranoia sets in, fuzzy, dream like almost
--> drives by gun store, ponders but doesn’t go in, “person” in the shadows
--> depression and paranoia
--> dies at computer, cause unknown.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

We have decided to commence writing on the ‘Email’ story idea. I will write up the first draft in short story form, then the team will help with editing and revisions. Once we have a solid story we will adapt it and story board. Sound good?

As far as the feel that I’m looking for, I’m kind of in the same boat as Jack, it’s hard to explain but I can point out the movies that have influenced me and perhaps they can represent what is in my mind.

Fight Club, Fargo, Momento, The Big Lebowski, Traffic, Adaptation, Being John Malcovich, The Usual Suspects, Go, American Beauty, Unbreakable, Miller’s Crossing, Things to do in Denver When You’re Dead, Seven, Sleepy Hallow, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch…ok…..I guess I should stop.

For this idea, my mind keeps going back to two movies, Momento and Traffic. Memento has a dreamy kind of feel to it; the viewer is kept in a suspended state of confusion. The cinematography of Traffic is brilliant, its grainy, crisp, uncomfortable. In my mind, if I could combine these two styles, that is what this film will feel like.

under the influence:

i've literally seen thousands of films. i was raised on movies. my step-father collected movies and at his collection's height, he had close to 10,000 movies on tape. i recorded a large percentage of these movies off the TV for him. my job was to keep the commercials out and if i didn't... there was punishment to be given or received in my case. so.. i paid close attention. most of the films were from the 40's and 50's. i don't remember them all but i'm sure there is an imprint or residue left in my mind somewhere... odd really to think about. anyway, last night chet and i were discussing what type of feel we wanted 'the film' to have and the word 'dark' kept popping up from both of us. and when i think of darker films i think of films like 'memento' and 'fight club'. but i also think of 'ghost world' and 'fargo' too. there is a simplistic beauty to these films with 'dark' undertones. it doesn't have to be violent to be dark. yes, 'fargo' had it's violent moments but the stark simplicity of the film created a different 'darker' world. it's hard for me to explain what i mean here.

anyway... my influences are far and wide from 'singing in the rain' to 'house of a 1,000 corpses' to 'spirited away' to 'brazil'. my favorites over the past few years have been 'the ring', '28 days', 'a mighty wind', 'o brother where art thou', 'lock stock and two smoking barrels', 'memento', 'sexy beast', 'big fish', 'snatch', 'minority report', 'adaptation', 'matchstick men', 'being john malkovich', 'lost in translation' and 'vanilla sky'. you can see a darker influence there but these were all really cool films. a bit out of the ordinary. you get the point. that's the type of film i want to do.

i think the music i listen to fits these films as well. maybe i'm just dark. if you want a dark music list... let me know.

just my two cents here...

/still got nothin'

/got nothin'
/next up, The Italian Job

Monday, April 05, 2004

I thought it might be a good idea if we all post our influences, what we like to see in movies, what actors we like etc. I'm really interested in bringing together all of our talents and experiences. I thought to myself, if I wanted to make a movie about ________ , I would just go out on my own and do it. However, I'm more interested in making a movie that pulls together talent, experience, influence from a creative team. That is what makes a movie truly unique, when you can pull different ideas together into a seamless work of beauty.

We are Joining an Elite group

Mr.Garrison is talking with Mr.Twig in his hand
Mr.Garrison: Ok children, I have some very exciting news for you. Why don't you tell them Mr.Twig?
Mr.Twig: That's right Mr.Garrison. The first annual South Park film festival begins today.
Wendy: Wow, cool!
Kyle: They're not gonna show that stupid ass Godzilla movie are they?
Mr.Garrison: No no no Kyle. These are independent films.
Stan: Oh like Independence Day? That sucked ass too.
Cartman: No dude, independent films are those black and white hippie movies. It's about gay cowboys eating pudding.
Wendy: No they're not. Independent films are produced outside the Hollywood system. They're movies without all the glitz and glamour of Hollywood.
Cartman: Puh, well you show me one independent film that ISN'T about gay cowboys eating pudding.
Wendy: Once again you have no idea what you're talkin' about, fatass!
Cartman: I'm not fat, I just haven't grown into my body yet, you skinny bitch!
Mr.Garrison: Eric if you call Wendy bitch one more time, I'm sending you to the principal's office.
Cartman: Bitch.
Mr.Garrison: That's it Eric, you...
Cartman: I'm going!
He leaves the classroom
Mr.Garrison: Anyway children, I want you all to see at least one independent film at the festival and then write a paper about it.
Mr.Garrison: The first film showing is called "Witness to Denial". And is a sexual exploration piece about 2 women in love.
Stan: Aww my uncle Jimbo has a ton of those movies in his dresser drawer.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

ran across this free story boarding software here.

Friday, April 02, 2004

i keep thinking of that guy steve-o started chatting with... i think i saved that conversation some where. you know with the guy.. and being married.. meeting...yeah...

Psychlogical Thriller

I am going to share my idea that I have had in my head for a long time. This idea comes from my experience of receiving numerous misdirected emails, some interesting some not.....

This guy receives these emails that are ment for someone else, he reads them, sometimes laughs, sometimes wonders, but then deletes them. One day he thinks to himself, what if i reply to one of these, just for fun. So he does. He replys and gets a reply back. He takes on the persona of the person the sender is thinking he/she is communicating with. This begins to spiral down, he gets too envolved. Soon he begins to "see" this person at the grocery store, driving next to him, across the street from his house. He begins to to sink into a fog, a delusion, where he no longer can discern between reality and non-reality. At the end of the film, he is dead, from a single gun shot to the head. Was he stalked by this other person and killed? Did he take his own life to escape this bad dream? I guess its up to the viewer to deceide.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Jack gave me a great book for Christmas one year, Making Documentary Films and Reality Videos. Although this may not apply to the specific movie we are planning to make, it is a great book. I'll post interesting little tid bits I run across as I reread this gem.

Thanks Jack.

how about 'munch films'?
i like the spaceheater too...

i'll start playing around with the legos... i mean logos.

rock on.

Public Image

Having TMR do some logos, anyone else interested in doing a design feel free to put them out.

Also, I think we all need to agree upon the name. My thought was for Spaceheater Films but all ideas are welcome. This is a safe place :) to let the creativity flow.